Macro Counting and Diet Culture - What you need to know!

Macro Counting and Diet Culture - What you need to know!

The Truth About Diet Culture

Have you tried various diets and found they never work? Or maybe they work for a short time, but they are too hard to continue? I get it. Diet culture can lead you to believe that losing weight should come at any cost. This is not true! These diet methods can often be unsustainable and lead to a negative perception about how we label food, our relationship with food, and how we look at our bodies. So what else can you do?

Macros - What are They and Why Do You Track Them?

Macros (short for macronutrients) are proteins, carbs and fats. They make up the calories in all food, and your body NEEDS these calories. All of them. Don’t ditch those carbs! These foods provide the body with energy, and essentially, these foods provide the fuel your body needs to function throughout the day. Sounds important, right?

Macro Tracking is a way to log the foods that you eat. The process of weighing food to meet your macros teaches you how to visually see portion sizes. Knowing what portion sizes should be can help you know what protein, carb, or fat that portion of food contains. It allows you to eat whatever foods you want, “If It Fits Your Macros”. It focuses on applying an intake for ANY fitness goal you have - it’s not only good for weight loss.⁣

Macro tracking teaches you that it's not necessarily WHAT you eat… but how much how you eat and the balance of nutrients your own body needs.

Is Macro Tracking for everyone? Not necessarily! There is no “one size fits all” in fitness, and that’s true in nutrition as well. It may not fit everyone’s lifestyle, and that’s okay!


Knowledge for Life - The Benefits of Macro Tracking

How would your life change if you were choosing meals based on what you love PLUS what your body needs, instead of only taste and convenience?⁣ Your life may change quite a lot! Here are a few of the benefits that can come from tracking your macros:

  • Fewer cravings!! When you start eating foods that fill you and sustain your body, you won’t feel the need to keep circling around to the fridge for a snack.
  • You can enjoy foods that you like to eat while also getting your fitness and health results. Eating potatoes while losing weight - yes, please!
  • Tracking macros can help improve your relationship with food!⁣ No more “bad food and good food” labels.
  • You are happier when your body is getting the nutrients it needs, and you create long-term sustainability with how you eat.⁣ The perfect solution for your health and happiness!


Now You Know!

If nothing else, remember that your body needs nutrients, and they come in the forms of protein, fat, and carbs. Your body needs these foods to operate, so it’s best to not deprive it of them! Not only that, but you will feel happier and healthier when your body is happy. Counting Macros is a fantastic way to learn how to eat for your body.  It doesn't need to be done forever, and if you learn through the process, you don’t need to do it forever!

If you want to learn more about carbs and why they are not the enemy, take a browse through my blog: 3 BIG Reasons Why You Need To Be Eating Carbs - Especially If You’re Wanting To Lose Weight


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